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Call for proposals: CEHS-sponsored sessions at the 2025 AHA Meeting

As an Affiliate Society of the American Historical Association (AHA), the Central European History Society (CEHS) sponsors a variety of panels on German, Habsburg, and Central European history at the AHA’s Annual Meeting. In 2025, the meeting will be held from January 3-6 in New York City. In addition to co-sponsoring panels that have been accepted by the AHA Program Committee, CEHS may also place sessions on the program as a sole sponsor.

If your panel has been accepted by the AHA Program Committee and you would like CEHS to co-sponsor it, please send a copy of the final AHA panel proposal to the Society’s executive director, Anthony Steinhoff (

If you have a panel that was not accepted by the AHA program committee or that you were unable to propose to the AHA, but which merits consideration for sole sponsorship by the CEHS, please send a complete panel proposal – a list of all panel participants (including affiliation and contact information), a session abstract, and abstracts for all papers – to the executive director, Anthony Steinhoff. Note, sessions sponsored by the CEHS must also respect AHA guidelines for sessions. CEHS also expects panels submitted for sponsorship at the AHA meeting to demonstrate gender diversity.

The deadline for submission of all proposals (co-sponsorship and sole sponsorship) is Monday, May 20, 2024. Proposals will be reviewed by the CEHS Executive Board. Please direct all questions regarding sponsorship and panel proposals to Anthony Steinhoff.